Filming is underway on series four of critically acclaimed ITV1 detective drama, Grace, starring John Simm as Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and based on the best selling novels from globally reno...
Inspired by the original hit Swedish novel and film,the series centers on Mark and his daughter Eleanor, whose lives were changed 10 years earlier when she was turned into a vampire. Starring Demián B...
这部剧的灵感来自瑞典畅销小说和电影,讲述的是马克和他的女儿埃莉诺的故事。10年前,埃莉诺变成了吸血鬼,改变了他们的生活。主演Demián Bichir, Anika Noni Rose, Grace Gummer, Madison Taylor Baez, Kevin Carroll, Ian Foreman和Jacob Buster。将于10月7日首这部剧的灵感来自瑞典畅销小说和电影,讲述的是马...
演员Ben Glenroy(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)在第二季结局中令人震惊地去世后,Charles(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)、Oliver(马丁·肖特 Martin Short 饰)和Mabel(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 饰)开始调查这起发生在Oliver负责的百老汇节目幕后的悲剧。 在节目联合主演Loretta Durkin(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Me...