Based on Philipp Meyer’s celebrated debut novel, American Rust is a compelling family drama and a timeless story of wanting a brighter future while being held prisoner by the past. The story of surviv...
巴克是一只骨骼壮硕身材强壮的狗,本来在大法官家里过着养尊处优的生活的它,被园丁偷走,卖到了严寒的阿拉斯加,成为了雪橇犬。巴克坎坷的命运并没有就此终结,之后,它又辗转经历了好几个主人,他们残暴而又冷酷的对待巴克。不仅如此,巴克在狗群中也为了保住自己的地位而经历了巨大的挑战 。 这一次,约翰(哈里森?福特Harrison Ford 饰)成为了巴克的新主人,幸运的是,约翰是一个善良的男人,他不仅非常温...
Picking up after the explosive events of Season 1, this season finds the Morning Show team emerging from the wreckage of Alex (Jennifer Aniston) and Bradley’s (Reese Witherspoon) actions, to a new UBA...