令人期待的同志系列电影【Donald Strachey Mystery】是同志付费频道Here!推出的同志推理影集。自第一部《Third Man Out》一炮而红后,Here!保持着每年一部的制作速度。今年本来该是原著系列第6部“Ice Blues”搬上银幕,但7月16日Here!播出的却是根据原著第2部“On the Other Hand, Death”改编,这委实给人带来不小的惊喜:众所周知,...
Sabina and Esther's relationship is pushed to breaking point when international exchange student Annie comes to stay. The Exchange is a new feature film from the creators of Flunk....
A girl living alone in a post apocalyptic wasteland finds herself hunted down by marauders who want her to fight in their fighting pit for their entertainment....