在母亲铁甲般的双手下长大,母亲控制着他们从服装到事业的一切,当他们和谁共度余生时,伊奇查亚、特维斯和阿希拉三兄弟能掌控自己的生活吗? Brought up under the iron-clad hands of their mother, who controls everything from their clothing to their career, will the three ...
The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a ...
Catherine在一个抽干的蓄水池里发现了一名黑帮谋杀受害者的遗体,这触发了一系列的连锁事件,不知不觉间将她直接引向了Tommy Lee Royce。 Catherine的外孙Ryan现在16岁了,仍与她住在一起,但他对于想跟外祖母拒绝承认是他父亲的那个人建立何种关系,有着自己的想法。仍在与镇上似乎永无止境的毒品问题以及供应者作斗争,Catherine也即将迎来退休。...