The eponymous Celtic warrior who rules the Iceni people alongside her husband Prasutagus. The King dies at the hands of Roman soldiers, leaving Boudica's kingdom without a male heir and the Romans...
知名电视财经专家李·盖茨(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)在电视财经节目《金钱怪兽》中担任主持人而声名大噪,在节目中经常出现疯狂举动,会大声说出投资建议,不时在节目中用搞笑的道具和音效介绍股市。然而,事实上他是透过内线消息让他在华尔街成为赚钱高手。一名不速之客(杰克·奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰),因为听信投资分析而赔光积蓄,因此在节目直播中绑架了盖茨与节目制...
宙斯之子赫拉克勒斯(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)自幼饱尝人世间难以想象的苦痛与磨练,他完成了神所安排的十二项试炼,创造了万众敬仰的半神传奇。而事实上大力神赫拉克勒斯不过是在奥托力科斯(卢夫斯·塞维尔Rufus Sewell 饰)、安菲阿拉俄斯(伊恩·麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane 饰)、阿塔兰塔(英格丽德·波尔索·贝达尔 Ingrid Bols? Berdal 饰)等足以托付生...
A college freshman moves into the perfect dorm on campus, but soon discovers the previous resident died under mysterious circumstances. Believing the girl was murdered, she tries to uncover the identi...